Posted in Inspiring Them

Thinking of Marrying?

You see good marriages in Scripture, and you see bad marriages. You see patterns of faithfulness, purity and devotion to God, but you also see patterns of betrayal, divorce, polygamy, interfaith marriage, marriage for political purposes and more.We as humans have messed up marriage in every generation throughout history, that doesn’t change what marriage is. 

Marriage is a covenant that shouldn’t be determined by popular opinion being shown through media. Knowing who you are in Christ will help you make big decisions down the road so put him first, and keep him there. Put your future spouse firmly in second place, this is the best foundation to the start of a successful marriage! Make sure to get over yourself quickly because two become one:)

A personal note to my oldest son:
We married early and learned a lot. We struggled together and marriage was not always perfect. I was given this scripture by my mentor at Powerhouse, Proverbs 11:14 “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” We learned to let people in, the right kind of people. We are here for you and will help guide you in anyway we can. 

Your dad and I have a perfect love for each other because we know how Christ loves us and it’s so honoring that you look up to us in this way! My vision and plan for you is not my plan alone. I can only pray for you to stay connected,seek wisdom,and put God first in all you do! We are so very proud of the young man you have become and we know that you will be a great husband because you have a great example of one!


I try to live my best life while giving thanks daily for my many blessings! I am creative with a wanderlust soul! I am not perfect but strive for perfection knowing that my life is my learning tool. Everything around me is my stepping stone for success! Writing is my therapy!

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